Watch for These EV Charging Trends in 2024

by | Feb 22, 2024 | 0 comments |

As the electric vehicle (EV) market continues to evolve, so does the landscape of EV charging. With advancements in technology and shifts in consumer behavior, 2024 promises to be a transformative year for EV charging. Let’s explore the top seven EV charging trends that are set to shape the coming year.

1. More Miles per Charge

The trend towards longer-range EVs shows no signs of slowing down. In 2023, we saw the introduction of EVs with ranges exceeding 400 miles per charge, and 2024 will continue this trajectory. With vehicles like the Chevy Silverado boasting a 450-mile range and the Rivian R1T offering up to a 400-mile range, EV owners can expect even greater freedom and flexibility on the road.

2. The Number of New EV Owners Will Likely Rise

The transition from traditional gas-powered vehicles to EVs is accelerating, driven by factors such as rising fuel prices and increased charging infrastructure. As longer-range EVs become more accessible and charging technology continues to improve, we anticipate a further increase in the number of new EV owners in 2024.

3. Vehicle-to-Grid Technology Should Expand During 2024

Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology is poised for significant growth in 2024. This innovative technology allows EV owners to contribute excess energy from their vehicles back to the grid, providing a valuable resource for balancing supply and demand. As V2G technology becomes more widespread, it has the potential to revolutionize the way we think about energy storage and distribution.

Apogee Charging Solutions offers a full line of EV chargers, as well as one of the most advanced EV charging operating systems on the market today. Our experts are here to answer any and all questions, and assist you in making the best choices for your organization, you can schedule a call here.

4. Prices of New EVs Will Continue to Decline

As EV technology matures and manufacturing processes become more efficient, the cost of new EVs is expected to decline. In 2024, we anticipate further reductions in EV prices, making electric vehicles an increasingly attractive option for consumers. With lower upfront costs and ongoing savings on fuel and maintenance, EVs are becoming a compelling choice for drivers worldwide.

5. The EV Charging Sharing Economy Will Continue to Grow

The rise of the EV charging sharing economy is set to continue in 2024. Charging station owners are increasingly monetizing their investments by opening up their private chargers to the public, creating a network of shared charging infrastructure. This trend not only benefits EV drivers by increasing charging accessibility but also provides a lucrative opportunity for charging station owners to generate additional income.

6. More EV Charging Stations in Rural America

With the availability of longer-range EVs, rural Americans are increasingly considering electric vehicles as a viable option. In response to this growing demand, we anticipate a surge in the deployment of EV charging stations in rural areas in 2024. Federal and state incentives, coupled with funding opportunities and support from the US Department of Transportation, will drive the expansion of EV charging infrastructure to meet the needs of rural communities.

Electrify the Future with Apogee Charging Solutions

2024 promises to be a landmark year for EV charging, with advancements in technology, shifts in consumer behavior, and supportive government policies driving the industry forward. As EV adoption continues to rise, the evolution of EV charging infrastructure will play a critical role in shaping the future of transportation.

Apogee Charging Solutions can help you join the EVolution so you can prepare for an electric future. To contact us, call 484-816-2076, email [email protected], or schedule a call that fits your needs by clicking the button below.


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