Electric vehicles are the future, and campuses are seeing an increase in the number of EVs on campus. As more students, faculty, staff, and visitors transition to electric vehicles, the need for EV charging on campus is also increasing.

Campuses offering EV charging must create access and management strategies that will carry over into the coming years. One method campuses are testing is using student IDs as a way to access charging stations.

EV Charging on Campus is Gaining Momentum

Funding is increasing for the adoption of EVs, thanks in large part to programs like the Federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. New capital seems to be coming in daily and the focus on EV-associate projects is increasing. A few examples include the $25 million for EV development in South Carolina, New York’s proposed ban on gas-fueled automobiles, and the Detroit pilot that involves in-road EV charging.

Campuses are paying attention to the EV trend. Some colleges and universities offer EV charging for no or a low fee to faculty, staff, and students. However, campuses often face unique challenges when it comes to installing the charging infrastructure. Parking can be limited on campus, and installing EV chargers takes up valuable parking spots.

Another challenge is issuing access to the chargers. To ensure only approved access, campuses are looking to ID cards and other types of digital credentials.

If your college is considering using student IDs for EV charging purposes, you need to consider if the EV charger operating system can handle the task. We offer one of the most advanced EV charger operating systems on the market today. You can review our OS advantages here.

Choosing an EV Business Model

Campuses have several business models to choose from as they decide who can access the EV charging stations.

Universities and colleges can offer free charging to staff, faculty, and students while charging the public a fee. Opening some or all of their chargers to the public is a business model in place on several larger university campuses.

An example is at an Autin, TX campus where a few charging stations are accessible to the public and others are restricted to students and staff.

Some campuses may choose to charge everyone a fee. Students and school employees may receive a discounted rate and the public pays the utility’s set electricity usage rate.

Every campus is different and EV business models should be flexible enough to accommodate everyone.

EV Charging using Student IDs

Offering EV charging on campus presents another challenge. How does the charger determine who has access? One way to limit access to only approved users is to tie student IDs to the charging station.

Instead of using a credit/debit card, students insert their school IDs or input their student ID numbers. The same concept can also work for faculty and staff.

For this approach to be successful, an RFID contactless reader will need to be a part of the charging station. An RFID contactless reader simplifies who has access to the charging station. Since the devices are integrated into the chargers, the sensitive components are protected from the weather.

Is Your Campus Ready for EV Charging?

Getting ready for EV charging on campus can be challenging. Along with deciding on charger location, you have to determine who has access to the chargers and create a workable business model. The other obstacle is verifying the identity of approved users.

Apogee Charging Solutions can help your campus through every step of your campus’s EV project. Contact us today to learn how we can help. Call 484-816-2076, emailing [email protected], or schedule a call this fits your needs by clicking the button below.


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