Texas Legislators Will Require Tesla NACS Ports in Order to Receive Funding

by | Jul 6, 2023 | 0 comments |

Leaders in Texas just announced that state-funded EV chargers must include the Tesla made North American Charging Standard (NACS) charging ports. This means in order to receive financial incentives from the state of Texas, EV charging stations must require both NACS and Combined Charging System (CCS) ports rather than only CCS like the rules were before.

States and the federal government have been trying to navigate the standardization of EV charging ports. A major shift occurred in the automotive industry where Tesla opened up their NACS port for all automakers to use. This caused some stir in whether or not Tesla charging ports are going to qualify for the grants that businesses can receive from installing EV charging stations. Depending on the state or federal subsidy being applied for, an EV charging station may require both NACS and CCS EV charging ports in order to receive incentives from the government for installation or other costs.

The most common EV charging ports found in the U.S. are Tesla’s NACS, the CCS and ChaDeMO which is commonly used on Japanese vehicles. Since Tesla opened up their NACS charging ports for the whole automotive industry to use, more automakers have been shifting to use the NACS charging ports putting it on path to becoming new EV charging standard. EV drivers have found that Tesla Supercharging network is more reliable, easy to use and readily available compared to other charging stations since Tesla’s technology has had more time to improve than other EV charging networks. Companies like Ford, Volvo, GM and more have been making plans to include NACS in future technology.

Click here to read the full article, originally published June 20, 2023, by Tech Crunch.


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